Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I don't want to be a fool!

“My people are fools; they do not know me. They are senseless children; they have no understanding. They are skilled in doing evil; they know not how to do good.” (Jeremiah 4:22 NIV)

Those are pretty strong words. One of my goals in life is to get to know God better every day. I pray that my kids and grandkids would all get to know him more every day. I don't want to be a fool and I absolutely love knowledge and the search for it. I can search for knowledge and truth in many ways. My favorite way is through studying the bible. This ancient document speaks so clearly and is filled with truths that will endure all time. It gives the greatest incites to the character of our creator. I also get knowledge of how to do good and suppress evil in my life. Prayer and daily devotionals to let God speak to me is another way I can grow in my love and knowledge of my savior. Practicing the truths I learn in these two ways is also a great way to learn how to live as Christ. As they say, practice makes perfect and trying to apply Gods direction to my daily routine is a challenge. I grow best by challenge. 

Of course there are so many ways we can grow so we are not fools. We need to try everything possible to learn of our loving father. Reading study books and materials of Christian leaders can also help us focus our lives. This also includes weekly worship at my local church. I am so lucky to have a great church and pastor that preaches the truth from the Bible and how to apply that to my life.

Father I praise you for the opportunities you give me to know you and your love. I want to know you and to share all that I learn with the lost. I have been so greatly blessed by you and your love. Thank you for walking with me every day.

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