Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Ten Keys to Life - Keep it Simple!


When Stephanie and I traveled to Peru on a short-term mission, we were so amazed at how simple life was for the people of Yurimagua. One of my absolute favorite scriptures, Deuteronomy 30:11-20, talks about the simplicity of our faith.

'“This command I am giving you today is not too
difficult for you, and it is not beyond your reach.
It is not kept in heaven, so distant that you must
ask, ‘Who will go up to heaven and bring it down
so we can hear it and obey?’ It is not kept beyond
the sea, so far away that you must ask, ‘Who will
cross the sea to bring it to us so we can hear it and
obey?’ No, the message is very close at hand; it is
on your lips and in your heart so that you can obey it.
“Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between
life and death, between prosperity and disaster. For I
command you this day to love the Lord your God and
to keep his commands, decrees, and regulations by
walking in his ways. If you do this, you will live and
multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you and the
land you are about to enter and occupy. “But if your
heart turns away and you refuse to listen, and if you
are drawn away to serve and worship other gods, then
I warn you now that you will certainly be destroyed.
You will not live a long, good life in the land you are
crossing the Jordan to occupy. “Today I have given
you the choice between life and death, between
blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth
to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would
choose life so that you and your descendants might
live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your
God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him.
This is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the
Lord , you will live long in the land the Lord swore to give
your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”'
Deuteronomy 30:11-20.

We have a tendency to make belief in God so complicated. There are people that spend their entire lives exploring the depths of scripture, trying to understand who God is. There is nothing wrong with being a theologian. There is nothing wrong with spending your life exploring the deeper meanings of scripture. But, the Gospel is simple. 

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him." John 3:16-17.

A couple of years ago I shared the simplicity of this message at the funeral of a dear friend. John 3:16 summarized, perfectly, the message of the Gospel. We need to KNOW that God loves us. We need to KNOW that God gave his one and only Son. We need to BELIEVE in him, that he died on the cross to save us from our sins and we need to RECEIVE the gift of eternal life. 

The message is so very simple:
God Loved
God Gave
We Believe
We Receive
As we study scripture, lead Bible studies, preach, and share the Gospel may we never forget the pure simplicity of our faith. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Ten Keys to Life - Grace in all things (Social media?)

'But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the
work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others
the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
Acts of the Apostles 20:22-24.

Grace, in our greatly divided world, is not popular. I cannot remember when I heard the word even uttered, outside the church. Grace means "the unmerited favor of God." Simply, it means God has given us eternal life even when we didn't deserve it. But, what does it mean in your daily life?

Grace is a central theme of our spiritual life. God sent his Son to die on the cross for our sins. We didn't deserve to be saved. We are sinners. BUT, through His perfect GRACE we are saved. 

So, if Jesus grants us amazing grace, shouldn't we extend grace to others? Shouldn't we extend forgiveness and love even when others don't deserve it?

I spend a lot of time with people that just don't like organized religion. I know, I hate that term too. But, in the mind of the unchurched, the Church is filled with hypocrites. AND YES, I know Christians always come back with, "Yes, the church is full of sinners and we are not perfect." But, in my opinion, we use that as a crutch. 

Aren't Christians called to be set apart from the world?  Aren't we called to live lives that demonstrate the GRACE of God?

I hope we all feel called to share the grace of God. You can find countless scriptures supporting the idea of sharing the grace of God with others. That is the message of the Gospel. So why can't we extend that same grace on Social Media. (I know. I just called out a bunch of people.) 

If God has called us to be different in a sinful world, can't we extend grace to those from the opposite political party?  Shouldn't we extend grace to those who live differently than us, who worship differently, who SIN in ways different than we do? 

I beg my fellow brothers and sisters to show grace to those we are trying to win over to the Lord. Show grace on Social Media. We are called to be different. We can't always control how people view us. 

We can't expect those who don't know God's grace to show us his grace. 

That just isn't going to happen. BUT, we have no excuse! We know the grace we have received through the cross and we must share that grace with others. 

C'mon people!

'“And now I entrust you to God and the message
of his grace that is able to build you up and give
you an inheritance with all those he has set apart
for himself. ' Acts of the Apostles 20:32 -


Monday, August 29, 2022

Ten Keys to Life - Integrity - I can't hide from God!


'I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light
around me to become night— but even in darkness
I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as
bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to
you. '
Psalms 139:11-12

I am not a perfect person! I never want to imply that I am. But, one of my goals in ministry is to live a life of INTEGRITY. I try very hard to do the right thing, to be honest, and open with everyone. Yet, I still mess up! God knows my heart. He knows everything about me and I cannot hide from him. There is something very freeing when you live with integrity. In Psalm 25:20-21 says, "Protect me! Rescue me from them! (my enemies) Do not let me be disgraced, for in you I take refuge. May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you."

When King David sinned with Bathsheba the sin spiraled out of control and eventually, his lack of integrity led to the death of Uriah. Until David was confronted by Nathan the prophet, he had no peace and no rest. David finally got that peace and rest when he came to the Lord confessing all he did. Yes, there were consequences, and he mourned those consequences the rest of his life. Would David have been known of a "Man after God's own heart if he had continued to cover up this sin?" David failed but he renewed and rededicated his relationship with the Lord through true confession and repentance for what he had done. 

Lord, please forgive me when I am dishonest and when I plot and scheme outside your will. Please guide my path so I can live at peace knowing I have lived a life of integrity. I pray God will protect me from evil, that he gives me the strength and wisdom to maintain a life where I represent the Lord with honesty and dignity.  I want one thing, to do your will and serve you in all I do. Amen!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Ten Keys to a life Serving God - Relationships


This beautiful child briefly came into our life while we served on a short-term mission to Peru. The encounter was so brief but the impact of this little girl will be with us for eternity. I thank God every time I think of her. 

'Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my
God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for
all of you with joy, for you have been my partners
in spreading the Good News about Christ from
the time you first heard it until now. And I am
certain that God, who began the good work within
you, will continue his work until it is finally finished
on the day when Christ Jesus returns. So it is right
that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you
have a special place in my heart. You share with
me the special favor of God, both in my imprisonment
and in defending and confirming the truth of the
Good News. God knows how much I love you and
long for you with the tender compassion of Christ
Jesus. I pray that your love will overflow more and
more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge
and understanding. For I want you to understand
what really matters, so that you may live pure and
blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May
you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the
righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ
—for this will bring much glory and praise to God. '
Philippians 1:3-11

God has designed us for relationships. He quickly created Eve to be a companion to Adam. God longs for a relationship with us, not because he needs us, but because he loves us so much.  
How amazing is it that God wants to call us friend? Jesus said, in John 15:14, "You are my friends if you do what I command."

So many men and women have come into my life that I call friend. Some I have not seen for years. For others our time together was brief, but the relationship was just as powerful as if we had known each other for years. As my mind drifts to think about the people of these chance encounters, this prayer of thanksgiving always comes to mind and just like Paul, these people hold a special place in my heart.

I pray that each of you cherishes your wife, your family, and your close friends. But, I also ask you to thank the Lord for the people he places in your life for a brief moment. We never know how long someone will be in our life. Take these moments and spread the gospel by your words and your actions. 

Jesus said the greatest commandments were to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Then he added EQUALLY, we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Mark 12:30-31)

I tend to forget how important relationships are when I get busy and rushed. I always regret when I do not take the time to love people even if our meeting is brief. I need a reminder daily that my life is to focus on two things Love God and Love People. All the Law and the Prophets point to these two commandments. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

TEN KEYS TO LIFE - Part 3 - Patient Endurance

My granddaughter running a cross-country race in 2021!

'Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope
we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his
promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one
another to acts of love and good works. And let
us not neglect our meeting together, as some
people do, but encourage one another, especially
now that the day of his return is drawing near. ' Hebrews 10:23-25

Do you trust God?  

Of course, we all say, "YES." What else would you expect from a follower of Christ? But, do our actions reflect our response? These verses focus on the one thing that is important:


There are so many examples in the Bible and certainly in my own life where my actions say I do not trust God. I have this knee-jerk reaction when God does not answer my prayers immediately; I act on my own. Abraham acted on his own when he tried to answer God's promise. Moses acted on his own when he struck the rock instead of speaking to it. Saul acted on his own when he disobeyed God saving the best sheep for sacrifice. As Stephanie and I retired, we acted on our own, we developed our own plan. God's plan was so much better than we could ever imagine. His plans are always better and when we yield to him, he honors our waiting with springs of joy! 

So, what do we do when we are waiting for God to fulfill his promise? 

Later in Hebrews, the writer states:

'Patient endurance is what you need now,
so that you will continue to do God’s will.

Then you will receive all that he has promised. '
Hebrews 10:36.

Yes, what I need now and what I need every day is patient endurance!
While I wait on the Lord, I need to rest in his arms knowing he has the perfect plan. I need to encourage and motivate others to also live with patient endurance. I need to encourage and motivate others to trust in his goodness. So many people think they can do this on their own. They not only neglect the power of God Almighty, running ahead of his plan, but they also neglect the entire body of Christ. We need each other! We need the encouragement of our fellow believers to patiently endure until God fulfills his promises. There is nothing more important in my life than my brothers and sisters in Christ. I can't endure and my patience is weak. Praise the Lord for those that walk alongside me!

I need a constant reminder that God's timing is perfect. He is not slow in keeping his promises. (2 Peter 3:9) With patient endurance, the support and encouragement of others, and complete trust in the Lord, I can wait and not move ahead of his marvelous plans for my life!

Friday, August 19, 2022

TEN KEYS TO LIFE - Part 2 - My Territory vs My Kingdom

Picture taken over the Grand Canyon on our first motorcycle trip out west - 2006!

Ministry is about expanding GOD'S KINGDOM, not my own

A couple of years ago, my mentor shared "the most dangerous prayer" in the Bible --

"Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!" (Emphasis added) 
1 Chronicles 4:10

This prayer is tucked away in a rather obscure place in Scripture. I am sure I have read past this prayer dozens of times without giving it a second thought. In all honesty, it is in a series of verses that are rather hard to read. This prayer of an unknown man named Jabez is in one of those places in scripture filled with endless names and family trees. All of a sudden, in the middle of a list of the descendants of the tribe of Judah, this prayer stands out. 

We don't know much about Jabez. We know he was honorable and he got his name because his mother experienced severe pain at his birth. We also know in 1 Chronicles 2:55 that there was a town with the same name. So, his life is not memorable and as far as we know he was just a common man. His prayer was simple and powerful. At the end of the prayer, it states, "And God granted him his request." 

Wow! Can you imagine living a life being blessed in all you do, not knowing trouble or pain? Yet, that is exactly what Jabez prayed and God granted his request!

As I have prayed this prayer there is one word that has always stood out to me. Jabez asked God to expand his TERRITORY. He did not ask God to expand his KINGDOM. There is a huge difference. A Kingdom has a supreme ruler who is served and the KING administers all justice. A territory on the other hand is smaller than a Kingdom and the administrator of the territory reports to someone else, more than likely, the King. The manager of a territory has the responsibility to make sure he is fruitful for the King and the best way to do that is to make sure the workers of the ground, the territory, receive all the support they need to be fruitful. EXPANDING YOUR TERRITORY MEANS YOU HAVE MORE WORK TO DO AND ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MORE! My responsibility in the Kingdom of God is to make sure the people in my sphere of influence have all the support and resources they need to be fruitful for the Lord. 

When Jabez asked to expand his territory he was asking God to help him grow his area of responsibility. He wanted more people to serve! Why would he do that?  Who prays for more work to do?

This is a "dangerous prayer" because someone who prays it is asking God to send more people to pray for, teach, fellowship, and share meals. (Acts 2:42) It is dangerous because you better be prepared for the consequences of the answer! 

Do you really want to pray this prayer? Do you know what you are asking? Each of us should have the same desire as Jabez, but are we willing to make the sacrifices needed to serve more people for our King, Jesus?

My ministry is NOT about expanding my own Kingdom. The only Kingdom I'm a part of already has a ruler. His name is Jesus! My ministry is about serving others, sharing the Gospel with as many people as I can, and helping disciples make more disciples. I need a daily reminder I am serving the King and my job is to care for the flock, the TERRITORY he has assigned to me. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

TEN KEYS TO LIFE - Part 1 - God Direct My Path!


A couple of years ago, in my second semester working on my Master's Degree at Indiana Wesleyan Seminary, I created a list of my top TEN KEYS TO MINISTRY. I have a copy that has been in my Bible since that day:

I thought I would share them and my thoughts, in detail over the next several days.

Ministry is Holy Spirit Driven - 
If God is not directing my path, I don't want to go!

I have 26 scriptures that I have highlighted as my favorite passages in the Bible. I try to review them every day and the list continues to expand. These words from the Lord help me focus on what is right and true. They help guide my path. Two of those scriptures are:

'Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my
anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and
lead me along the path of everlasting life.'
Psalms 139:23-24

'Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own
understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you
which path to take. '
Proverbs 3:5-6

Anyone that really knows me, knows how stubborn I can be. (Please no comments!LOL) I am a take-charge kind of guy. What that means is I lack any understanding of patience! I need the reminder of these two verses to help me rest in the power of the Holy Spirit to guide my path. 

Right now, our NEW ministry has not met our financial goals. Goals that I set, deadlines that I created. It is creating a little anxiety in my life. Today, when I read these two verses, I was quickly reminded that MY PATH is not always GOD'S PATH. My understanding, my definition of the plan for our ministry may not be God's plan and even if the plans are the same. God's timing may not be my timing. His goals, his deadlines, may not be mine!

When we give our lives to the Lord, if we truly give them up, we are giving him control of our path. That control includes where the path goes and the timing of our walk on that path. It sounds so cliche, GOD IS IN CONTROL!

I am so glad the Lord knows me, he knows my anxious thoughts, he knows my heart and he takes seriously his responsibility to guide my path. Lately, God has been flooding Stephanie and me with people to disciple. He keeps sending us "persons of peace" (people desiring to grow in their faith) in places we would never have guessed. He is entrusting us with helping direct people closer to him. In the end, all the other "stuff," really doesn't matter. HE WILL PROVIDE!

Thank you Lord for guiding my path, I renew my commitment to letting YOU show me the way even when I do not understand!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Israel 2022 - Reflection #38 - Final Thoughts


Most of the grandkids are back in school and my IWU classes begin on Friday. In fact, I have already begun work on my first week of assignments. I'm slowly getting back into "school mode." It is always great to get ahead. The real challenge is to stay ahead. I get so stressed out if I get anywhere close to a deadline.

The picture above was taken in the IWU parking lot as we were departing on this journey. It seems like the trip to Israel is a distant memory that occurred sometime in my deep past. It has been so valuable for me to process all that I saw by writing these blogs. We were so busy those ten days in Israel. One of my favorite times was the bus rides between sites. I know that seems weird, but the downtime was so valuable to reflect on what we just saw and where we were heading. I love quiet times of reflection and time to absorb what I have learned. Bus rides, plane rides, and times at night falling asleep were all such important parts of this trip so I could let the Holy Spirit fill me with what he wanted me to take away. 

I am so blessed to have had this opportunity to visit Israel. I am so blessed to travel with such a wonderful group of people. Dr. Joseph and Dr. Levicheva, Rami, Becca, Joel, Abby, Aaron, and the rest of the leadership team were such a blessing and I am so thankful for their hard work. I am so thankful for each "walk," each time we had to "count off," each time we were attacked by the locals trying to earn a living, each trip to find ice cream, the stresses, the joys, the laughter, and most of all the people who joined me on this pilgrimage. Thanks everyone!

I am having a hard time summarizing everything. I put together a video for my summer class about this trip. SO, I decided to share it. Praise God for his many blessings!

Monday, August 15, 2022

Israel 2022 - Reflection #37 - Church of the Holy Sepulchre


Even after about eight weeks, it is hard to put into words my feelings about the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. This post is going to be relatively short. How can I express in words what the events that took place, here, mean to my life. Its been 50 years this summer since I gave my life to Christ as a twelve-year-old kid at a United Methodist Church Camp. This place brought back so many of those memories. Knowing Jesus, God's one and only Son, gave his life for me in a horrendous death, and rose again to defeat death is the only statement in my Faith that really matters. Paul virtually said the exact same thing:

...And if Christ has not been raised, then all
our preaching is useless, and your faith is useless. And we apostles
would all be lying about God—for we have said that God raised
Christ from the grave. '
1 Corinthians 15:14-15

When I stood in line waiting to enter the tomb, I kept thinking how amazing it is that I am here, ready to enter the tomb just like Mary and the disciples. 

'However, Peter jumped up and ran to the tomb to look. Stooping,
he peered in and saw the empty linen wrappings; then he went
home again, wondering what had happened. But the story sounded
like nonsense to the men, so they didn’t believe it. It was Mary
Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and several
other women who told the apostles what had happened. So they
rushed back from the tomb to tell his eleven disciples—and everyone
else—what had happened. Then they remembered that he had
said this. that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of
sinful men and be crucified, and that he would rise again on the
third day.” He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember
what he told you back in Galilee, The women were terrified and
bowed with their faces to the ground. Then the men asked, “Why
are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? As
they stood there puzzled, two men suddenly appeared to them,
clothed in dazzling robes. So they went in, but they didn’t find the
body of the Lord Jesus. They found that the stone had been rolled
away from the entrance. But very early on Sunday morning the
women went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. ' Luke 24:1-12

Like the disciples, I have seen the risen savior. I have seen him active and working in my life. We do not serve a God that is dead, a god from the past, a god that does not care for us. We serve THE GOD, who loved us so much he gave his only Son so that we might live with him in paradise. In this wonderful church were constant reminders of God's love for us. 

Thank you Lord, for taking my sin upon yourself. I love you Lord and pray you will continue to use me for your glory. Amen. 

This is a slab of granite where it is believed Jesus had been laid inside the tomb.

The artwork and decor of this church are a feeble attempt to raise this place to the prominence it deserves. Everything is so well done and has meaning beyond anything I can explain completely 

Our group entering the tomb. Once inside we were able to pray. A single prayer, lasting only a few moments is just completely insufficient in Praising God for his perfect gift!

This place located very near the tomb of the risen Jesus is thought to be the final tomb of Joseph of Arimethea and gives a good indication of what Jesus tomb looked like. 

This is the spot where Jesus was crucified. I was surprised by how close it was to the tomb. However, it makes sense because the coming Sabbath would not have given much time for burial. People are kneeling to touch the rock where Jesus died on the cross. 

The rock at Golgotha, split by the earthquake upon Jesus' death on the cross. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Israel 2022 - Reflection #36 - Mount of Olives

The picture above is taken from the Old City of Jerusalem looking across the valley to the Mount of Olives. 

There Mount of Olives has the greatest views of the city of Jerusalem. If you could block out the modern skyline from your mind, you can see why Jesus would have loved this place. It is enough away from the old city to have some time of quiet and yet close enough to venture into the city daily. 

The Mount of Olives is mentioned in 2 Samuel as David is run out of Jerusalem by his son, Absalom. He and his group were in mourning for the events taking place in Jerusalem. Zechariah describes the Mount of Olives as the place of Jesus' second coming:

'On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem.
And the Mount of Olive will split apart, making a wide valley running from
east to west. Half the mountain will move toward the north and half
toward the south. '
Zechariah 14:4

 It also was the place of Jesus' ascension. (Acts 1:9-12) It is fair to say that this place has a significant place in the life of Jesus and his followers. This wonderful place is mentioned 75 times throughout the Bible, mostly related to Jesus and his disciples. The amazing fact is that there are several 2000-year-old Olive trees that stand as witnesses to all these events. As I think about the Mount of Olives and its place in Jesus' life all I can think of is that this was a place of prayer and quiet for Jesus. In Luke 22:39 it says, 

'Then accompanied by his disciples, Jesus left the upstairs room and went as usual to the Mount of Olives." (emphasis added) 

This was that place where Jesus went to speak with his Heavenly Father. This is the place he pleaded with him and eventually submitted to the Father's will. 

Do you have a "GO TO" place where you meet the Heavenly Father?  Do you have a place you often go that is quiet, peaceful, and easily accessible, where you can plead, praise, and talk with the Lord? I would have just loved to spend the day walking, praying, and listening for the Lord's voice when we visited the Mount of Olives. We had so much to see and this was just not possible. 

I can't think of a specific Mount of Olives I have had throughout my life. When I was a young man, Epworth Forest Church Camp was a place I loved to go. It was peaceful and I always felt that place was a place filled with the Holy Spirit. As a young adult and parent, I didn't really have a place. It would have been helpful. Now my favorite place to "meet the Lord" is on my daily walks. I get to do these about three to four times a week. I cannot express the number of times the Lord has filled my walks with his obvious presence. Being older, I always have a middle-of-the-night "wake-up call." I used to hate this time. A couple of years ago, I started praying and listening at this time of the night. It has been wonderful. So, at 3am in the morning, lying in my bed, in some ways it feels like the Mount of Olives. HA! Our lives are so busy, packed with distraction after distraction that keeps us from connecting with Jesus. I have to believe Satan wants it that way. 

I am so thankful for my times with the Lord. I look forward to them often. I wish I would have started this when I was younger. I missed out on so many precious moments. Praise God for the times we get to share now and I look forward to eternity doing the exact same thing. 

The views from the Mount of Olives are amazing. This is looking down into the Temple area. The gold dome is the Dome of the Rock. You can just visualize that area being the place of the Temple. 

What a fun opportunity watching everyone take their turn on THE CAMEL! 

I think we have the same beard and face. Maybe related?