Thursday, September 24, 2015

Cancer can not defeat you

“Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday.”
Psalms 91:6 NLT --

I hate cancer. But I must confess, my family has not directly been affected by this terrible illness. Sure I know people that are suffering from cancer. The battle is real and the stakes are high. Death is at the door. Even though this disease is devastating and literally lurks at every corner, I do not dread it. I do not dread any physical or mental illness. I can live my life in peace because of my loving Heavenly Father. 

There is a young man at my school that has been fighting cancer. I am so impressed with his ability to keep a positive attitude even thought he has gone through countless painful treatments. I have a colleague's husband who has battled this dreaded illness also and her faith is as strong as  ever. We just lost a valued community member to a very intense and brief battle with cancer. The family has remained strong with the help of their faith. No one wants to go through the suffering of a major illness. But, I can't imagine going through a cancer  battle or any other health issue without Jesus. We can overcome all of life's hurdles when we have that deep relationship with Jesus. Jesus knows and feels our pain. When we cry, he cries. When we suffer he suffers. Devote your life to him and he will carry your burdens. There is no trial to big. There is not trial that he alone will not defeat. Trust him.

Dear Lord, I love you and praise you for the oeace you bring into my life. I have encountered so many troubles in my life and you have always been there for me. I praise you for watching over those that are battling cancer or have lost loved ones to this dreaded disease. Continue to be with them make your presence known. Give these people peace through the darkness. I love you Lord and praise you every day my life. Amen!

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