Sunday, January 25, 2015

Caution, greed surrounds us!

Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” (Luke 12:15 NIV)

Last night I watched "Sons of Liberty" on the History Channel. I loved it. I could see myself as a freedom fighter. As I was watching the show, I kept seeing parallels to our country today. I know many people have discounted the Tea Party, but I truly believe in order to bring this country back to the people, a rebellion has to occur. Our politicians, our corporate giants, our Wall Street leaders, are so influenced by greed, they have manipulated our democracy to suite there selfish gains. We can't rely on republicans or democrats to lead us out of our mess. They all give lip service to fighting for the middle class, yet fight it, oppress it on every side. We are in a time of powerful money. Greed rules our country, not the people. This is not confined to one party, it's not confined to one financial philosophy. The power of money is prevalent everywhere.

Just as the early founders of this nation, we must stand up for ourselves. Poverty has to be dealt with, oppressive government regulation must be stopped. Taxes should be used for proper support for the homeless, the widows, the orphans. Incentives to give must be everywhere to people, businesses, and other countries. Government needs to get out of the way of the people. We need to rise up and take back our liberty. Our rulers need to be one of us, we can't continue to turn our fate over to those of the privileged class. We must bring common sense to our legislators and leaders. We need to value life of our enemies and the lives of the innocent. We need Jesus and can't be afraid to shout it on Main Street nor should we be ostracized for that faith. 

Greed is the key to the evil in our daily lives. We can not stand by and let it destroy us.

Dear Lord, give us the strength, the perseverance, the determination to take back our freedom from the oppression of greed and the corruption of power. Lord we need you and your direction in this great land. Help us defeat the enemies of love, mercy, and grace. In your great and holy name we ask it. Amen!

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