Wednesday, August 21, 2013

YET, I will ..............

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. (Habakkuk 3:18 KJV)

There is so much missing from this verse. Everything that leads up to this statement is filled with pain. "YET" they rejoice in The Lord. Everyone goes through times in life filled with that same pain. It is a part of the life we live. The key to the life of pain for a Christian is to rejoice in The Lord. We can not let the struggles and stresses of this life tear us from the Love of Christ. That doesn't mean putting on a fake smile. You can rejoice through your own tears. It doesn't mean you can't take your pleas to God. You can rejoice through the cries for help. Rejoicing during pain means that we trust in The Lord even when we don't understand the why. Rejoicing means not giving up on prayer, not giving up on worship, not giving up on studying the word, when we are going through the severe struggles of this life. Rejoicing in The Lord means drawing closer through pain, not drifting further away.

ThIs entire concept is difficult for most, including me. Yet, I do see examples all around me of people who can endure the pain and still rejoice. I see people who have suffered the tragic loss of a loved one, rejoice in The Lord. I have seen those suffering through cancer, rejoice in The Lord. I have seen those who have suffered through tragic motorcycle accidents, rejoice in he Lord. I honor and admire those that can put this key Christian principle into practice. You are an inspiration to all!

I praise The Lord for his grace, mercy, and patience when I can not live up to the task of rejoicing always. Thank you Lord for the wonderful love you have for me, even through my weakness.

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