Thursday, August 29, 2013


And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him. (Luke 2:45 KJV)

I am so blessed to be a part of a unified church. In the past 6 years I have never heard of turmoil. I'm sure there have been disagreements, but they have not gotten in the way of our mission. The church is still growing, but more importantly our pastors and staff are focused on preaching the Gospel and bringing non-believers into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Likewise, my CMA chapter has also been unified. I have heard of turmoil in the distant past, but Jack Lorence, the Phil Brown have done a great job to build a unified chapter that works hard to fulfill its mission. We now have some new Area Reps and I'm sure they will help our Chapter keep focused on our ministry of building relationships with Bikers and sharing Christ love with them.

So many times, churches, towns, businesses, and schools lose their way because of fighting and strife. It is so sad. Joseph and Mary lost Jesus and had to go back to Jerusalem to find him. We also lose sight of Jesus. So many times in our lives the world gets in the way of our mission. We fight sbout the little things, churches split, believers turn on each other. Instead of dwelling on our differences or disagreements, we need to focus on Christ. God the Father is the centerpiece. He is our strength and our unity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same for each of us. We believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, is coming again, and we will get to share eternity with him. Nothing else really matters. Just like Mary and Joseph, we need to turn bak toward Jerusalem to find Jesus. Turn from the ways of the world to the arms of our loving savior!

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