Friday, August 2, 2013

Ain't Love Grand?

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. (John 15:9 NIV)

I am simply amazed with God's Love for me. I know myself better than anyone and I'm not that great. I really put effort in to being a loving, compassionate, Christ-filled person. I want to be a great ambassador for Christ. But, I fall short of the goal.All of us fall short. Yet, even through all my short-comings God Adores me. I just read in my Bible Study about a theologian , Dr. Karl Barth, was asked what was the greatest truth that crossed his mind. This man was a deep, knowledgeable person. He simply quoted "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." If I stop and take the time to rest and spend time with my God, I realize how wonderful it is that I can spend time,have a relationship, and communicate with the God of the Universe. Thank You Lord. I HAVE life through you and it's not just a life of toil and pain. My life is filled with love and eternal life with my wonderful savior. 

Ain't Love Grand?

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