Monday, September 1, 2014

God made work and it was good!

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. (Genesis 2:15 NIV)

I learned something new today. God made work BEFORE the fall of Adam and Eve. He gave them the garden of Eden and then gave them a job. The job got a lot tougher after the fall, but work was created by God and it was good. So why is it so many people dread work? 

I'm not one of them! 

God created my job specifically for me. He intended for me to teach and enjoy it. 

Yesterday was Labor Day and what do we do? We cancel work to spend time playing or relaxing. I enjoyed the day off, but I really do love my "job". When I'm not there I miss it. I miss my students, I miss the fun, YES, fun we have learning. I see retirement approaching quickly, but does that mean I'll be done working? The answer is unequivocally NO. I will take my pension and just change my focus. I will work, I'll let God decide where!

I am blessed with a wonderful career that doesn't seem like work. I am blessed with great administrators, great colleagues, a great environment and a wonderful community! It's not work when you enjoy it as much as I do. Praise God for the joy of working!

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