Sunday, September 14, 2014

I'm wrong!

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. (Proverbs 29:25 NIV)

"I'm wrong!" 

Those may be the most powerful, life changing, words you can ever speak. The admission of failure, the admission of guilt, the admission of sin, are great life changers. Yet, uttering this small phrase is rare. I'm not sure why. We all know that people make mistakes, nobody is perfect. Yet, it is easier to see others failures than admit our own. This is particularly true with kids, my students. 

As teachers we set ourselves up to be experts in our fields. Yes, it's important for students to have faith in our skill. However, giving the impression of perfection builds a barrier that is very difficult to overcome. In many ways the same is true of our biblical heroes. That's why God put so many "flawed" people on display in the Bible. He wants us to know perfection on Earth is in one man, only one man, his Son, Jesus Christ. All others are failed, flawed, and broken. Teachers and Christians need to open up and let all people know we are human. We make mistakes. We struggle with all the things they do. We doubt God, we get angry with God, and we don't understand his plans. We struggle with sin, divorce, addictions, and more. We need to fully expose those weaknesses to give others hope. We need to show our own vulnerability so others see the working of God in our lives. 

We hope in The Lord, not man! We don't care about ridicule and pressure from man, we only care about the thoughts of our Heavenly Father. We need people to know we serve a perfect God that understands our weaknesses and the sins in our lives. He understood that so much that he sent his son to die for our sins. His death and Ressurection provide a way to wipe out those flaws and make us perfect through his perfection. 

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