Thursday, June 26, 2014

The consequences of my life!

Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. (1 Timothy 4:16 NIV)

Practice what you preach. That is the message of this verse from Timothy. People are greatly affected by what you do. Your "hearers" can be saved just by watching you. Just think about who your hearers are. Your wife/husband, kids, grandkids, friends, coworkers, anybody you come in contact may be lost or saved by your own life. That is a powerful thought. Your life and the way you live out your Christian witness affects more than just your own life and we all need to take that seriously. 

Living a life as a Christian hypocrit could discourage someone from ever coming to accept Christ. Living a life of immoral choices affects the choices of others and their own salvation. Live like you know that. I need to live like I understand the gravity of my own life. If the beliefs you live by don't match the beliefs you confess, you need to do some serious re-evaluation.

Dear Lord, help me be clear about what I believe. Help me to align those beliefs with you and the life you want me to lead. I know I am not the person I want tobe, but know you love me and will help me through this life of growth. You are amazing and I love you! Amen!

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