Sunday, June 29, 2014

I know.... I've been there!

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18 NIV)

There is nothing more painful than a broken heart. Normally you think of a man and woman who break up as being broken hearted. But, I have seen others with a broken heart or crushed spirit. I've seen parents of wayward children with broken hearts. I've seen fathers out of work and desperately trying to support their family crushed under the weight of responsibility. I've seen cancer patients broken when a doctor brings bad news about another round of chemo. I've seen the spouse broken hearted after losing his companion and best friend. I've seen mothers worn to an inch of their lives worrying about a sick child. 

All those people are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to broken hearted and crushed spirits. The Lord is close. He does not wait to be called. He is there. 

The world is too full of people that have been beaten by the weight of turmoil. But, God is there for you. God is there to build you up and bring you through even the darkest times. I know. I've been there. I've been in so deep financially I thought I would never recover, God was there. I've sat through 14 hours waiting on a daughter to come out of surgery. God was there. I've been through job crisis, loss, and severe depression. God was there. I do not share to say how great I am for enduring life's challenges. I have overcome those challenges through Christ alone.  I share because you need to know, regardless the pain you are walking through right now, God is with you. You can rely on him and he will get you through. I may not be special in the worlds eyes, but in the eyes of the creator, I am more than special. So are you! Go to him, plead, cry, scream, show your anger, bare your soul. See what happens  next. Watch God reveal himself in a very powerful way.

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