Thursday, June 26, 2014

The mindset of POWER!

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: (Philippians 2:5 NIV)

As a teacher I have power over the students at my high school. I get to determine what I teach, I set the rules, I determine grades, I am in control. Yet, in this past year I have chosen to give up much of that control. My school corporation has long been an advocate for students. I think we've done a great job doing what's best for students. We are taking that a step further. We have slowly transformed a part of our schools to a truly STUDENT-CENTERED school within a school. We have been giving more freedom for the students to control the pace and ways they learn at school. It's been a huge step for this old guy! By nature, I am a control freak and yielding that power is a big step for me.

Jesus has set the bar on this mindset very high. When he came down to Earth he had all the power and he chose to set that power aside. He could have destroyed his enemies, he could have taken an earthly throne, he could have led a powerful army, he could have wielded the power of nature itself. Instead, he came as a humble servant living a life as one of us. He sacrificed all the power to serve, love, and teach grace. We can all take that "mindset" and apply it to our relationships. Politicians, CEOs, parents, teachers, and other power brokers need to become humble, setting aside their power in order to serve. Our relationships with each other will blossom fully if we can make this one change in our lives.

Lord, help me mirror your mindset. Help me to be a humble servant, not ruling with power, but serving with love. Help me to serve my family, my friends, my students, and my community in ways that reflect your  example. Thank you Lord for your grace, mercy, and love. Amen!

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