Thursday, June 19, 2014

Science vs Faith

so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. (1 Corinthians 2:5 NIV)

I have written on my views about this on other occasions. This adversarial relationship between science and faith is ridiculous. I love science. I love the pursuit of knowledge. I love the pursuit of God! I can love science and love God and not compromise my faith. I completed a study from Dr. Sproals that helped me clarify some of my own thoughts. I'm by no means an expert in any of these areas of faith or science. BUT, I DO HAVE AN OPINION based on my limited knowledge!

The controversy between science and faith really centers around two main theories, although there are others. The Big Bang Theory and Evolution seem to be huge battleground topics. The Bible  does not say how God created the Earth, it's great to pursue the knowledge of that process. I think the pursuit helps prove the existence God. If you believe in the theory of the Big Bang, that created the existence of life, what is it that blew up? Where did that come from. We can not prove the creation of something from nothing. Science hasn't and can't prove HOW THE STUFF THAT BLEW UP CAME INTO EXISTENCE, it has no answer for this thought. I do -- it's God!

I believe in Evolution! I know my conservative Christian friends are cringing. What I don't believe is that we descended from Apes. I do believe that the outward appearance of man has changed over the history of humanity, I can call that evolution. I don't dispute the existence of Neanderthal man or prehistoric man. I may disagree with some of the theories we attribute to our prehistoric brothers and sisters, but our thoughts, our appearances, our skills, our entire existence has changed over the years. Did we have an ape like appearance? Yes, and who cares. I think we look like apes right now! I don't think that's a game changer. That is indisputable. But, we did not descend from Apes and there is no proof of it. The theory takes the information we have as fact and extrapolates that to the origin of man. It's a theory. But, we can't dispute the human race has evolved in many different ways over the centuries. Our skin color, height, over all appearance, and our intelligence has changed, evolved. Why are we so threatened by this. Could God have designed it this way? Could God have designed the evolution of birds, fish, and other animals? Why not? I am not intimidated by evolution. A big part of evolution is the age of the Earth. Somebody is right and somebody is wrong. I, again, don't see this as a game changer. It doesn't change the Bible. It doesn't change my belief in the infalible word of God and the truth of Christ. 

We get so caught up in minutiae. I want my science friends to pursue the truth in science, in evolution, in creation of the universe. They are going to be wrong sometimes and will be right as well. My faith friends also need to pursue the truth through their relationships with Christ. I hope that I have friends that are pursuing both at the same time!

God created the universe and the mysteries it holds. He designed it this way on purpose. He designed us to be curious, to seek truth, to have an insatiable desire for knowledge. He wants us to pursue it with all of our being, because eventually it will lead us to him. That is the real goal. He just wants to be with us. It's exciting to read a great mystery novel. It's just as exciting to try to unravel the mysteries of our existence. Life is exciting because God designed it that way. Praise God!

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