Saturday, February 13, 2016


“The wicked are too proud to seek God. They seem to think that God is dead. Yet they succeed in everything they do. They do not see your punishment awaiting them. They sneer at all their enemies.”    Psalms 10:4-5 NLT -

What is your definition of success? 

Merriam-Webster defines success as "the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame,"

That definition is not complete because it leads to more questions. How do you define wealth? respect? fame?  There is a stark contrast between the "world's" definition of those three words and the biblical definitions. The world would say wealth means money, respect is position of influence, and fame is notoriety. The call to Christians is to change their definitions of wealth, respect, and fame. We need to make these three keys to success Christ centered. So here are my definitions:

Wealth - Wealth is not measured by the "stuff" of our lives but by the PEOPLE in our lives. The value of human life far out weighs all the gold and silver on this planet. Achieving wealth is building lasting relationships. We can not take gold, silver, money, stuff, with us when we die. We CAN take people with us when they die. They can spend time with us in eternity. Why spend so much time acquiring  wealth when we could be spending time drawing people to Jesus. That is REAL WEALTH!

Respect - Living a life that honors God. I have so much more RESPECT for the widow who gave everything than any King, President, or Wall Street Exec. Christians around the world who stand up for their faith and pay the ultimate price for Jesus deserve our RESPECT.  Politicians, Media, and Activists, do not deserve our RESPECT when they just follow the wave of popular causes to gain power. 

Fame - Christians do not define FAME based on accumulation of superficial achievements. Christians define FAME as SERVICE to others. Fame is achieved when you serve huge numbers of people and still retain a humble heart. Mother Teresa and Billy Graham are perfect examples of people who have achieved real fame. The World only looks at popularity based on superficial achievements in sports and hollywood. I love Harrison Ford. THe world calls him famous. How do you compare his achievements compared to serving the poor or bringing millions to know Jesus. That is real fame!

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