Thursday, May 15, 2014

What's love go to do with it?

This is my command: Love each other. (John 15:17 NIV)

"What's love got to do with it?" 

You've heard this famous lyrical line. It goes on later to say its a second hand emotion. I agree. I don't agree it should be. I agree LOVE is treated, by us, as a second hand emotion. God says love isn't only everything, it's the only thing. 

Love God, Love people, Love, Love, Love, Love. We need to make it the center of our daily walk. This simple command  has been made so complicated by our sinfulness. It's not that complicated. We need to serve out of love. We need to work out of love. We need to play out of love. We need to worship, pray, and study out of love. Our first thoughts in the morning should be love for our wonderful God. Our last thoughts at the end of the day should be love for our wondeful God. Inbetween we need to demonstrate his wondeful love. 

We can not be a Christian without Love filling our heart. It's just not possible. 

Love isn't something we invented. Remember: God FIRST loved us. He shows us how it's done. He took it to the greatest extemeg by sacrificing his Son for us. We just need to take his example and TRY TO DUPLICATE IT. 

Thank You Lord for your wonderful love and the joy you provide to our lives. I feel your presence more and more every day. I praise you for my life. I praise you for the undeserved blessings. I LOVE you with all my heart, body, and soul. Amen!

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