Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Let's get a little Crazy!

I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land. (Psalm 143:6 NIV)

Have you ever noticed what happens the moment someone discovers they have won the championship in a competition? My students were doing some research on body language and found this simple, obvious response to victory.

This researcher went on to say that even blind people who have never seen this physical response, do the same thing upon obtaining victory. As a matter of fact, even animals have the same response. The act of stretching yourself skyward, with your head raised to the heavens is an act we see in nature all the time. Why is that? 

For me, the answer is easy. 

We are responding to our Heavenly Father who is victorious over all things. We are naturally, subconsciously, praising God. We should praise him more, not in an unconscience act, but a deliberate response to his unfailing love for us. If we could just take it a step further, we should raise our hands to him even when we feel defeated. How awkward would it be to see a defeated member of a losing team, lift his hands and raise his head to the heavens? We would think that's crazy. 

Let's get a little crazy. God wants us to praise him through all things and even if we feel defeated in the moment, we are NOT defeated, EVER, through Christ. When we are traveling through the dry and parched land, we must destroy Satan who feeds us thoughts that we are defeated. He is wrong!

Lord we praise you. Even through our weakness, we are victorious through you. Our hands are lifted to you and know we can not lose with you at our side. I praise you. You are worthy of all honor and praise! Amen!

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