Thursday, April 16, 2015

On the same page?

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. (James 1:2-3 NLT)

I love my Christian friends, my wife, and my family. All of these special people keep me grounded in the truth of Jesus. They make sure I am on the same page of the Bible they are. With all of the distractions of this world it is easy for your faith to wander. Even within our own faith, the teachings of Jesus are twisted and deformed. You can find yourself following a false faith. That is why you NEED great Christians in your life, people you trust, people that study Gods word and devote themselves to seeking the truth. They too may not always be write. But I truly believe God uses us together to discover the real truth of our faith. Do you have those types of people in your life? 

I have been so lucky through my life to have a family that seeks God. We're not perfect but we are constantly looking for the guidance of our heavenly father. I also have had great friends in the faith. Jim Rousseau, Ron Mabry, from my past and David Kirvan and Phil Brown right now. God has sent them into my life to keep me humble and my faith growing. I can't say enough about them. God has also given me a best friend that I have shared over 36 years of marriage. She is everything to me and is my sounding board, my counselor, and many times the only voice that can penetrate this thick skull of mine. My daughters and grandkids also have a great way of keeping me focused on the important things in life. Family, Friends in the Faith, and even those contrary to your beliefs help clarify Gods plan for my life. 

Praise God for his mercy and grace. Praise God for the gift of the holy spirit sent to be with us every day. Praise God  for the gifts of other faithful followers that come along side us on our journey. I am amazingly blessed. AMEN!

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