Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I Love my life, but.......

They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. (Revelation 22:4 NIV)

I really do love my life. I am the most blessed man on the planet. I have the greatest wife in the world, daughters that all take after there wonderful mother, great son-in-laws, and 6 grandkids that mean the world to me. I have the best job in life spending my days with exceptional teenagers and working with talented teachers that have a passion for learning. God has blessed me with an exciting and fruitful motorcycle ministry that surprises me every day. I can not think of a single complaint about my life, but..............

I am looking forward to my future. Retirement is not too far away. I love what I'm doing but I'm always ready to start a new chapter, a new adventure. Starting something new always excites me. So, just the thought of retiring gets my head spinning with amazing possibilities. What will I do? I'm not going to sit around not doing anything, but I will be in control of my schedule. I might do some motorcycle repair, ministry, small business, consulting work, or some other plan God has. My future is going to be just as exciting as the present.

Retirement will be great, but...................

Nothing can compare to my date with eternity. That is the ultimate future. No cares, no sorrows, no sadness, just the joy of the presence of Jesus. I just love reading about that future. It's a dream that seems so far off, but in reality is just around the corner. I hope you can get excited about it like I can. If you can't, you really need to search your heart. If you can't look forward to eternity, you need to seek Jesus right now, I fear for your future! You have no time to waste!

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