Wednesday, April 20, 2016


23“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” Mark 9:23
It just makes sense that the lost don't believe in the power of Jesus. But, how can you be called a follower of Christ and doubt in that power, just like a non-believer. IF you ask any Christian they will tell you they believe that "All things are possible" through the power of Jesus Christ. Do you live your life that way?  Do you live your life in faith or doubt?  Do you make back up plans in case Jesus doesn't come through for you?Yesterday was one of those days. It started out great and went as usual. By the end of the day, I was frustrated and needed time outside. I "worked" out my frustrations by doing some yard work. It would have been better to get a little "wind therapy" but after a busy weekend, I needed to get the yard work done. Weeding flower beds, and spraying the yard gave me time to think. It gave me time to talk to my savior. It helped me overcome the frustrations of the day. You couple that with a great night of sleep and I am better today. It took that time to center back on Jesus. How deep is your faith? I wish I could say I have no doubts. I wish I could say I have a rock solid faith and never say the word "IF" when praying to my Lord. My faith is stronger today than it was when I first accepted Jesus. I have seen the power. I have seen the answer to prayers of desperation. Jesus is alive and working in my life. Yet, doubts still enter my heart and mind. When I experience the frustrations of life, it is easy to fall back on my own power instead of the power of the cross. God is in charge, I know it even when I need to be reminded of that throughout my life. 
Dear Lord, I love you. Please forgive me for doubting your power and strength. Please, Lord, forgive me for not relying on you every moment of my life. I praise you that you do not leave me even through those doubts. I praise you that you do not give up on me. Praise God, your grace, mercy, and strength have always overcome my life's challenges. Take this day and make it yours. Take my life and direct it for your purposes. Help me continue to focus on you and to share your love with everyone I see. Amen!

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