Saturday, September 4, 2010

Unbelieving Believers!

22 Thessalonians 3 (The Message)

2 Thessalonians 3

Those Who Are Lazy
 1-3 ...........And pray that we'll be rescued from these scoundrels who are trying to do us in. I'm finding that not all "believers" are believers. But the Master never lets us down. He'll stick by you and protect you from evil.
Do you get the feeling that the first two statements are about the same group of people?  Paul mentions being rescued from Scoundrels and then inserts a statement about not all believers are really believers.  Sometimes the most difficult people and the most unbelieving people are believers.  They are the ones who want to maintain tradition at the expense  of  God's word.  They are the ones who let you down the most.  We already talked about how a minority of church membership do the majority of the work. Well this is the same group of people. The non-believing believers do not model Christ and do not contribute to furthering the kingdom of God.

The good news is.  God really doesn't need them anyway.  For that matter, he doesn't need us either. With that in mind, God never let's us down.  God protects us through all situations and will never leave us hung out to dry. He is our joy and salvation.  We need to realize we have his support! That is an amazing God.  He knows our beliefs are on the fringe and he props us up like we are the perfect saint.

Dear Lord, Open our eyes to the real world.  Help us to see the good in all people even the unbelieving believers.  We need to be less judgmental and more loving regardless what we see in others.  Thank you for your Love and how you overlook our lack of belief. Amen!

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