Sunday, August 8, 2010

There's more!

Galatians 1 (The Message)

 10-12Do you think I speak this strongly in order to manipulate crowds? Or curry favor with God? Or get popular applause? If my goal was popularity, I wouldn't bother being Christ's slave. Know this—I am most emphatic here, friends—this great Message I delivered to you is not mere human optimism. 

I was reading in the newspaper today that Christian films are gaining in popularity.  They mentioned "The Passion of the Christ" as the movie that proved the general public would go to a "Christian" movie.  I love movies like "Facing the Giants" and "FireProof".  I guess I would say they are "In your Face" type movies. They lay out in front of you the christian life and leave nothing to question. When you watch these movies you know that you need Christ, you need prayer, and you need to study the word of God. I also like movies like the "Chronicles of Narnia" or "Blindside".  They are much more subtle, but certainly provide a great christian message.  They don't directly teach the Gospel but, they do hold true to the great ideals of the christian life. Both types of movies have a great place and can help direct people to Christ.

But, as a christian we need to be careful not to always rely on being so subtle. I know more than one person who believes you can get to Heaven by being a good person. In reality, I guess I used to be one of those people. Paul was telling us, in so many words, this is not a popularity contest.  In the society we live in today, it's not popular to say their is only one way to receive eternal life. It's not "politically correct" . We can't water down the message of Christ.  We all know we must be great examples of Christ for everyone we meet.  We know that our actions speak louder than our words. Very rarely can you FORCE someone to become a follower of Christ. You need to build the relationships in order to have the opportunity to share. But, somewhere, you need to share the simple, clear, direct message that Christ was the one and only son of God, He lived on earth, died, and was raised from the dead for the salvation of our sins. You need to tell them the only way to gain eternal life is to believe this message, repent or ask God to forgive you of your sins, and to ask God to come into your life.

It's not about being optimistic. It's not about being a good person. It may not make you the most popular person. It might not gain you a standing ovation in this world. But, If we don't tell them, how will they know?

Heavenly father, help me to build relationships with the people I see everyday.  Help me to be an example  to non-believers. But, Lord don't let me forget the beautiful and simple message you want me to share.  Help me to be bold and confident to share with others.  Help me to see the opportunities and not to wait until it's too late!  Amen!

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