Thursday, August 30, 2018

Draw me closer to you

Isaiah 49:16 -- 'See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.
Always in my mind is a picture of Jerusalem’s
walls in ruins.'
I have had struggles in my life. But, because I gave my life to Christ as a very young teen. I have
always been rescued from my darkest hour. The Lord knows me. I have had dark times when I
could not see any hope. I have had times of depression, loss, and pain. Fortunately, these times
have been temporary.

God has always been there for me. He knows me. I might wish I would never have to go through
the pain, but God knows what is best for me. I endure the pains of life so that I may grow closer
to the Lord. the Lord knows me. After 58 years of life, I know that if things are always AWESOME
in my life, I will put the Lord to the back of my mind. I will become arrogant and proud. I will serve
only me. I will ignore God's plan for my life. I know I need to be brought back to the Lord on a
regular basis. The LORD knows what I need and sometimes he allows the pain in my life to keep
me as his own. I thank you Lord. I do not enjoy the pain. But, I do enjoy my life with you and I
enjoy that life more every single day.

I love you Lord. Use me. Help me draw closer to you even if that has to come through the pain in
my life. Amen!

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