Monday, August 18, 2014


You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. (Job 11:18 NIV)

Remember Faith, Hope, and Love. Yes, we know the greatest of these is love. But that is not meant to diminish Faith and Hope. Hope is critical, especially in this crazy world we live. Yes, love is the greatest. But, to be able to rest easy at night, to sleep that restful slumber, we must have hope. We need hope that the God of the universe will never abandon us. We need hope that the darkness is not permanent. We need hope that tomorrow brings greater things. 

In practical every day life, if we get dragged into hopelessness, the results are often life ending. The loss of hope brings desperation and desperation breeds destructive decisions. We can not let ourselves lose hope. We must encourage others there is always hope. Our gospel message of faith will never grow if it is not centered around hope. This world is full of troubles and despair. Jesus provides the only real hope of the world. In him you can rest, assured you will be taken care of in all situations. Rely on him, love him, and trust him. 

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