Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I'm a talker!

For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge— (1 Corinthians 1:5 NIV)

I am such a lucky man and I have been blessed with the gift of gab. My wife, Stephanie, rolls her eyes when we go places especially when we go places just for fun. I love to talk to people, strangers, and people who don't know anything about me. I am not an expert at too many things, but I know enough about a lot of things that I can hold a conversation with just about anyone. I call it a gift from God. I'm not sure Stephanie agrees.

Here's my logic. In order to share Christ with a stranger , you have to build a trust. You can't build a trust without a relationship. You can't build a relationship with some common ground. You can't find common ground unless you find out someone's interests. You can't find someone's interests unless you talk with them. My grandfather, a Church of a god pastor, was the same way. He never met a stranger; neither have I.

I have been greatly blessed by the conversations and relationships that began with strangers. I praise God for this wonderful, fun gift. It is a gift I will enjoy using until the day I die!

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