Saturday, April 26, 2014

Home is where I live!

For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come. (Hebrews 13:14 NIV)

I have lived in all these cities:

Fort Wayne (9)
Kernersville, NC
Michigan City
Virginia Beach, VA
Mahopac, NY
Garrett (2)

          I've lived in multiple places in some of the cities ( ) and I could have some to add before Muncie that I don't remember. Of the 24 towns, I can't think of a bad place I've lived. I'm a blessed man. By this list you would have to say Fort Wayne is my home. Technically, yes, however, home is where I live. Each one of these cities holds a special place in my heart and fond memories were created there. There are some people that live their entire lives in one city. Some never even venture on vacations, not me. I love experiencing new places and new people. I know I have at least one move ahead of me. 

          The "city in the sky" is in my future. I can't wait to change my residency to Heaven. When I get there it will be my permanent HOME. God has prepared that place just for me. It is like no other home, streets paved with Gold, no sickness, and no pain. I have thoroughly enjoyed my many homes in this life, but my future home overshadows  all of them. 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank you Lord for preparing a special home for me. I know I am not deserving, but you have created this wondeful place out of love and grace for all of that follow you. Help me to focus on bringing more people with me. I know you would love to add more rooms to that wondeful mansion. Thank You Lord! Amen!

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