Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I didn't see the camel!

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. (Romans 1:20 NIV)

My wife and I were traveling down the highway in Missouri a few weeks back and she exclaimed she saw a camel. I didn't see it. She was adamant she had seen it. Then she claimed I had seen it and was just denying it to harass her. I really didn't see it. (I think it was just a cow!) She said I must be blind, yet in truth I just wasn't looking. She's still sensitive about the subject as it was brought up last night. She's still mad at me that I doubt she saw a camel. 

You have to be blind to miss the presence of God in your life. He is everywhere, yet invisible. I have seen the movement of his mighty hand. But, just like the camel, if you're not looking for it you're never going to see his mighty works. I serve a wondeful God that is active and present in my life and throughout the world. I am so excited that I get to witness that presence on a daily basis. 

Praise God for his love, his mercy, and his grace. I don't deserve it, but offers it freely anyway. Thank you Lord, I love you and want to serve you more every day.

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