Saturday, December 7, 2013

"Silent Night"

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. (Isaiah 26:3 NIV)

One of the worlds favorite Christmas songs has to be Silent Night. There is nothing more peaceful than ending a Christmas Eve service with this wonderful song. That time is a great moment in our lives where we quietly contemplate Jesus. I know I should do that more often. My morning and evening devotions are peaceful times for me. I can ignore the world and worship God. I need to do that more throughout the day. 

Peace begins with Jesus. Our rushed lives, push out time with our savior. Our minds are weak and when we are busy doing our day, we aren't disciplined enough to include Jesus in all our activities. We need to train ourselves to be steadfast in relying on Jesus. We need to do this every waking moment. We need a lifetime of prayer. I'm not talking about being a monk. I'm saying waking, eyes wide open, prayer throughout every moment of our day. He wants more from me than just a brief time on Sunday, prayer at meals, before bed, or when we rise. 

If we want the real peace, deeper than "Silent Night" , we need to spend more time with the one who can provide that life of peace.

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