Saturday, December 7, 2013


When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, (Psalm 8:3 NIV)

I'm not really sure "ginormous" is a word. But, Words can not describe the enormity of God. The psalmist tries. To consider God's fingers creating the heavens and placing all the billions of stars is incomprehensible. On a clear moonlit night its like we can touch the moon or reach the stars. God has done both. Then take it a step further, he has done these great things and yet he loves US! He desires US! He has created all these things for US! Dwell on it! The cells of our body, the atom, it's nucleus, its energy, the vastness of space, are all mysteries. But, the greatest of all mysteries, why he loves us? Why he longs for us? 

Praise God for the work of his hands, the delicate but powerful fingers that have the skill to create all things. I love you Lord and worship you! You are amazing and wonderful beyond all words!

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