Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Most Honorable Profession

“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. (John 13:13 NIV)

I am a teacher. Jesus was a teacher. I am so proud of the fact I am in the most honorable profession. Training our youth for the world of tomorrow is so very rewarding. The students are wonderful. The group of teachers I work with are exceptional. The heart and soul of teaching is caring about your students, building relationships, and helping prepare students for their future. It is not always easy and I can't say I don't have moments of frustration. I think even Jesus had moments of frustration. I know God has been frustrated with his "students". He still loves us and I feel the same about my students.

God wants us to grow in our knowledge of him. He wants us to learn the proper ways to live. He wants us to study his textbook, open ourselves to his teaching and guiding, and learn from our mistakes. I want the same things for my students. I don't just want them to know about Math, Science, English, and Social Studies, I want them to learn how to live. I want them to open themselves to new ideas and learn from their mistakes. I want them to be prepared to lead our world in a way that blesses God. That's why I feel this profession is the most honorable.

I pray for my students and colleagues every day and I thank The Lord he  has blessed me with such a wonderful life as a teacher!

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