Sunday, December 8, 2013

God hear the prayers of the weak!

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good. (Psalm 53:1 NIV)

Who is they? We are the "they" of this verse. As a Christian with the confidence where I'm going, it would be easy to be pompous. I could always refer to "they" as those sinners who have not committed to Jesus. But, I have to constantly remind myself that I am not as great as I think I am. I am a part of THEY. Today brought that to my attention.

I was called on to visit a family whose mother is near death in a Fort Wayne Hospital. They asked me to pray for the mother like I was someone special. I'm not. I felt so inadequate. Yet, I do know someone who has the complete power to heal . They were so gracious and worried about there mother. We prayed for a miracle. We prayed for healing and I know the power of my savior. I know if it is in his will, he will heal this woman. Yet, I also know his will is perfect and he does not always choose to heal here on Earth. I just don't understand,but I love him and I know he is in charge. His ways are beyond me and I'm more than okay with that. In my narrow vision, I would love to see a complete healing that will bring a Glory to God and this family to its knees. It's ideal, I know. But God says to bring it all to him, so I did and do again tonight.

I also have one of my early spiritual mentors fighting a brain tumor. This man has brought so many to know Jesus. He counseled my wife and I as we were teenagers planning to marry. He and his lovely wife brought me through my teen years and were key in the development of my relationship with God. This wonderful, God filled man was also instrumental in the early faith of my own children. I feel so powerless in calling on Jesus for him.

Dear Lord, please hear my prayer. I ask for healing for this woman and Ted for your Glory, for your purposes and for your kingdom. I pray your love will be revealed through this entire situation that these family members would draw nearer to you. I pray for the doctors, surgeons, nurses and hospital staff that you will guide the treatment and miracle healing. I praise you God for your power, mercy and love. I love you and trust you. Thank you Jesus for loving this terribly inadequate person and making something out of nothing in my life. Amen!

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