Saturday, October 12, 2013

Why do we do what we do?

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. (1 John 2:15 NIV)

This was a beautiful day and I was blessed by riding VIC around in support of a young boy with a brain tumor. It is easy to fall in love with riding a motorcycle. It looks like tomorrow will be another of those days. 

What does it mean not to fall in love with the world? The WORLD is not the people of this world, it is the actions of this world which go against God. We often run a fine line between loving the world vs. loving God. If I love riding my motorcycle at the cost of my relationship with God, it is of this world. If I love my motorcycle so much that it takes the place of God it is of this world. It's not just motorcycles that could interfere with our spiritual life. Anything that takes the place of God, our work, our homes, our recreation, sports, cars, heroes, politics, and many more. These things can all keep us away from God.if I use these things to further the kingdom of God, they cease to be of this world. Everything we have and do need to be used for God. Things like motorcycles are not inherently of this world. The use of it is the determining factor. Are you serving God with everything you have and everything you do?

Why do we do what we do? What do we do with the things we have? 

I pray The Lord will strike me down if I lose sight of ministry for him. I pray I will never stop thinking of teaching as a ministry. I pray I will always consider the bike as a tool for his mission. I pray my tongue, my feet, my hands and my eyes, never get in the way of service for him.

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