Monday, October 21, 2013

Anger Management

But the Lord replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?” (Jonah 4:4 NIV)

Is it ok to get angry?

Yes, to a point. I think I've mentioned before the temper of my youth. It still rears it's ugly head once in a while. For the most part, it lies dormant. Is it ok for my anger to rise to the top of Mount Vesuvius?

The first question-- what am I mad about? Am I mad because I didn't get my way? Am I mad because some one has treated me unfairly? Is my anger selfish or selfless? My anger should be directed at the injustices of this world. My anger should be in my inability to save the lost. My anger should boil when we fail to serve instead of being served. God certainly loves a giving heart and is indignant when sin and selfishness appear. To blow up for selfish reasons is NOT acceptable. Unfortunately, my anger is a lot like Jonah's. It does not always have pure motives.

Filter your anger through the power of Jesus Christ. If Christ would be angry, follow him. If not let it go. Let Jesus Christ manage your anger.

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