Monday, April 22, 2013

Why do the stars exist?

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. (Psalm 147:4, 5 NIV)

I love looking at the stars. They had a planetarium at my high school and I just loved it! I could stare at the stars all night. You can't help but contemplate deep philosophical questions when you stare up at a star filled sky. One question..........why do the stars even exist? We're they placed there by God JUST for our viewing pleasure? What real value are they. They don't all sustain life like our own Sun. They don't provide an invaluable light source or any other great natural resource. They are certainly beautiful but not that valuable.

Yet, God calls them by name. He knows every star in the sky, the purpose of all the pieces of life's puzzle. He created everything for his purpose. His understanding of this vast, complicated universe is unlimited. His knowledge knows no bounds. So why don't I rely on him more? Why do I think, or at least act, like we are equal. It's foolishness to ignore the God of the universe. It makes absolutely no sense to rely on my own understanding to deal with loss, tragedy, or troubled times.

Why does he continue to be patient with me, too love me, and to be gracious to me. It's not because he needs me. He Loves me. He loves me more than the stars above. He knows me better than the stars, and desires a relationship with me beyond all understanding. I may not understand the purpose of the stars above, but I do know he has put me here for his glory. He has put me here to worship and Love, just like he does. No greater purpose than to live my life for him.

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