Wednesday, June 13, 2018


John 3 1:11 -- 11Dear friend, don’t let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do good prove that they are God’s children, and those who do evil prove that they do not know God.

It's easy to say, "I'm a Christian."  Can you prove it?

I teach Geometry. MY students HATE proofs. Frankly, I hated them when I was a high school student also. We had to memorize all the postulates and theorems and then write two column proofs until I was dreaming about them. I'm a softy. I do require my students complete the proofs, but I don't make them memorize the postulates an theorems. They don't realize how easy they have it.

Proofs in Geometry require a logical step by step system where no one can dispute your claim. Our lives as Christians should be the same. There should be indisputable evidence that you are one of God's Children. If people are scratching their heads when you claim to be a follower of Christ or worse, if they have proof AGAINST your claim, you better re-examine your life. That does not mean you need to be perfect, we aren't. But, there better be some evidence that separates you from those that reject the Lord. Anyone can claim to know God. Even the devil believes. What have you done with that faith!

Dear Lord, You know my heart. You know my love for you. Yet, I do not always show that love to others. It is not always evident that you live inside me. Forgive me when I reject the spirit that lives in me. Forgive me when I do not live as you have planned. I love you and am humbled by your great love. Amen!

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