Monday, April 30, 2018

What do I want?

“Moses said this about the tribes of Joseph: “May their land be blessed by the Lord with the precious gift of dew from the heavens and water from beneath the earth; with the rich fruit that grows in the sun, and the rich harvest produced each month; with the finest crops of the ancient mountains, and the abundance from the everlasting hills; with the best gifts of the earth and its bounty, and the favor of the one who appeared in the burning bush. May these blessings rest on Joseph’s head, crowning the brow of the prince among his brothers.”
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭33:13-16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I want to find the favor of the Lord. I want nothing more for the Lord to be proud of me and the life I lead. I’m trying. I want to serve, speak with words from the Lord. I want to be a husband that honors his wife, a Dad who loves his kids, a teacher with a caring heart, and a community leader who serves his neighbor. Some days I’m more successful than others. I’m not trying to earn my way to heaven. I’m trying to find favor with my Father in Heaven. I want that for myself, my wife, and my family. This constant thought helps me stay focused on what God wants me to do as I walk through my day. I know I can never get to a point where I have earned my salvation. That’s where grace comes in. But, my assured place in eternity drives me to want the same thing for you. My heart is directed to share my faith, not because I am special, but because I have one goal, for you to join me in eternity, sitting at the feet of Jesus.

So I pray for favor from the Lord for myself, my wife, my kids, my grandkids, and you. May the Lord look down on us and bless our walk with him today and forever. May the Lotd bless you as you serve your employer, may he bless you neighborhood, May he bless your relationships. May the Lord bless you with the best of this life. Amen!

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