Tuesday, November 18, 2014


He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord. (Psalm 113:9 NIV)

Having kids in your home is a great joy. I am so blessed to have three amazing daughters and 7 grandkids. Our latest addition to the family is in a young boy my oldest daughter is adopting, Jordan. Life is never dull and boring when you have kids in the house. That is the way God planned it. Why you want to live a life without kids is beyond me. Yes, they can try your patience, but the rewards go way beyond any possible setbacks. 

I deal with families on a regular basis that don't understand the precious gift they have. These kids may not be abused, but at least on some level they are neglected. Parents get busy, they get tired, they get selfish, they focus on anything but loving their kids. I am greatly saddened by our societies lack of focus on raising our kids. We need to spend time with the kids in our lives. We need to share our faith, our love of Christ, our passion for the kingdom of God, or the next generation will not serve Jesus. We need to set the example for our neighborhood kids, grandkids, and our own. We need to give these precious lives all of our love and attention. 

Praise God for the kids in our lives. Thank You Lord for their innocence and their undying love. Protect our children. Give them hearts for you and your kingdom. Help us to focus on raising kids who love you. We are honored with the challenge and blessed with the opportunity to serve you through our kids!

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