Monday, January 17, 2011

Shot from the Shadows!

Psalm 11 (New International Version, ©2010)

 1 In the LORD I take refuge.
   How then can you say to me:
   “Flee like a bird to your mountain. 
2 For look, the wicked bend their bows;
   they set their arrows against the strings
to shoot from the shadows
   at the upright in heart. 
3 When the foundations are being destroyed,
   what can the righteous do?”

How many times have you just wanted to escape? I can tell you that I have had those thoughts a lot lately. I feel like I have been shot at from the shadows and sometimes it feels like the foundations are crumbling.  I can relate to David!

But, just like David, I can not escape. I have to face those who would come against me. I take refuge in the Lord. He is my rock and my foundation. He is the help in times of trouble. He is my shield and I will trust in his protection alone. We can do npthing, but the Lord is in control and he is more than enough to save us.

Dear Lord, Forgive me for my weakness and my fear. I should know, from all the times of my life, that  you alone are my refuge. I have no fear because of you. Thank You Lord! Amen!

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