Sunday, November 7, 2010

Half an hour before all HELL breaks loose!

Revelation 8 (The Message)

 1 When the Lamb ripped off the seventh seal, Heaven fell quiet— complete silence for about half an hour. Blowing the Trumpets.

This verse is the precursor to, pardon the expression, all "Hell" breaking loose. I do mean that literally. The rest of Chapter 8 is a compilation of disasters. It is quite ironic that it starts with a half an hour of complete silence. There is time in my life that I BEG for a half hour of peace and quiet.  I pray for time to relax and enjoy complete silence. In our society, these moments of sheer peace and complete quiet are few and far between. They say that silence is golden and I know why. Silence is so precious and rare, it's as valuable as pure gold.

Stephanie and I have plans for a quiet weekend. We plan these little get-aways between athletic seasons and during the summer as a time of peace and quiet. Taking two or three days to reconnect with each other and God is critical. We often joke that these times are like the calm before the storm or the calm before all "hell" breaks loose. I can't wait. We are very fortunate to be able to plan these mini vacations. As  parents of an active family, I know how impossible it was for us to actually get away and enjoy some peace and quiet. My two older daughters have families that are very busy. They remind me of Steph and I. We didn't take time for ourselves when our kids were growing up. I wish we would have.

I encourage all of you to plan some quiet time. Plan some time away from the busyness of your daily lives. Take some time to spend in silence. I don't mean praying. This is time in addition to prayer time. This needs to be a time of complete silence. Let God speak to you in his still small voice if he desires. But, just completely and thoroughly absorb the silence. Feel the peace that is God and fill your heart with joy. I know how difficult this is to do. We must do it! Even if it's only for half an hour. Do it before everyone gets up or do it after everyone has gone to bed. Take a whole Saturday or a Sunday afternoon. You owe it to yourself to get some "Quiet Therapy".  Your physical, mental and spiritual well-being needs this time. Take the time before it's too late.

Dear Lord, We don't take time to enjoy your presence. Our lives are so busy and our priorities are elsewhere. Help us to enjoy some quiet time. Help us to focus our lives on you. Thank You Lord for your love. Amen!

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