Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Don't just Worship! -- Obey!

Revelation 4 (The Message)

 2-6I was caught up at once in deep worship and, oh!—a Throne set in Heaven with One Seated on the Throne, suffused in gem hues of amber and flame with a nimbus of emerald. Twenty-four thrones circled the Throne, with Twenty-four Elders seated, white-robed, gold-crowned. Lightning flash and thunder crash pulsed from the Throne. Seven fire-blazing torches fronted the Throne (these are the Sevenfold Spirit of God). Before the Throne it was like a clear crystal sea.

What is deep worship?

What is worship?

I have always viewed worship in terms of Praising God! I believe praising God is a key act of worship. I have attended many worship services where God is truly praised. My Church does a great job organizing and planning worship. It is great to have a place where we can just open up and truly Praise God through worship. I believe we have such a great mix of meaningful worship singing, thought provoking, challenging messages that are bible based, and time of prayer. When I leave on Sunday morning to go home, I always feel my relationship with God has grown. As the week progresses, I use this worship time and my own private worship time to get by each and every day. I can't even imagine in my mind what it will be like to praise and worship the Lord in our Heavenly home. This verse and many like it in Revelation attempt to describe Heaven and the worship that will take place.

But, I think worship is so much more than just Sunday worship. As a matter of fact, your typical Sunday morning worship is only a very small part of what worship really is. How can we really, truly worship the Lord? Is Sunday morning worship, or once a week worship, enough? In my mind, wrongly so,  I have limited my definition of worship to Sunday morning or Corporate worship "experiences".

I think this verse in Romans starts to get to the point of true worship.

Romans 12:1  Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God— this is your spiritual act of worship.

Don't you think true worship should not be just with our voices, not just once a week, not just in an experience with others, but it should be a sacrifice of our complete body. How do we sacrifice our complete bodies? Sacrifice occurs through obedience. True worship, worship that occurs continually can only occur with our obedience of God. Our living sacrifice, our ability to please God, can only be done by obedience. Then and only then can we truly worship the king of kings and the creator of all things.

Corporate worship is wonderful and even necessary. But, being obedient takes worship to another level.

Dear Lord, We praise you for your grace and mercy. We love you and want to be obedient. Guide our hearts. Direct our minds to your thoughts and your ways.  We want nothing more than to please you and to sacrifice ourselves for your purposes. Amen!

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