Sunday, May 17, 2015

Great day!

Meanwhile, the word of God continued to spread, and there were many new believers. (Acts of the Apostles 12:24 NLT)

The word is spreading. I know most people in our country know OF Jesus. They have a vision of the church, Christians, and the gospel. Many times that vision is clouded by satan and the sin in the world. Yesterday, my CMA brothers and sisters participated in a 50th anniversary of a local Motorcycle dealership, River City Harley Davidson. The best part of the day? We were ASKED to be there. We were used in the advertising for this event and we were treated like honored guests by the directors and general manager. We blessed countless bikers, praying with each of them for their specific needs. We made it known that we share a passion for motorcycles and a greater passion for Christ that we can mix together for the glory of God. We might have started tearing down walls and barriers between their vision and the truth. 

I hang out with a lot of non-believers. Some of them have never stepped into a church in their life. Where did Jesus spend his time? Where did the early believers spend their time? I feel like an integral part of the great commission when I go out into the world, not spend my time sitting in a church pew. My church is going out to the world today in an annual event where we don't go to church, "BE THE CHURCH". Today, I am also going out. My CMA ministry family has another biker blessing and we get to share our passion for Christ and motorcycles. Praise God! praise God for this ministry and the passions he gives us. Praise God that he believes in me enough to send me out to share the message of Jesus. Looking for another great day with Jesus!

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