Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Climbing Days are Over

But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first. (Matthew 19:30 NIV)

For most of my childhood I was fascinated with climbing, mostly trees. That was one of the highlights of a trip to my Grandpa and Grandma Rhoades home. They had some perfect climbing trees. I outgrew that type of climbing. I replaced it with climbing the "Corporate Ladder". That was true when I was in the Cable television industry and in my years as an educator.

I'm not a climber any more.

Since stepping back into the classroom I'm more focused on serving than leading. Somehow during all this transition back to the classroom I realized I enjoy serving much more than leading. It certainly is more satisfying. I am not looking for the spotlight. I'm not looking for the next best Power position. All I want to do is serve my school how ever it wants me. I want nothing more than serving my students or my fellow teachers. I can't even begin to explain how freeing that is.

God wants us to lead from Behind. He wants us to lead by serving. He wants us to "wash the feet" of those we know and meet. He wants us to be last and first at the same time. He wants us to be more like him. He was the ultimate servant, so should we.

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