Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I found the finest PEARL! Then I married her!

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.       When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:45, 46 NIV)

I bought Stephanie a small cross necklace for Christmas. It wasn't anything real special but Stephanie loved it. She cried when she got it! I didn't see that coming. This great lady of mine is just like the "Fine Pearl" of this parable. A lot of men and women go out and search for that perfect mate. They date lots of people before they find their pearl. Sometimes it takes years and extreme amounts of patience. Not me, Stephanie was my first REAL love. We met in High School and decided early on that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. To this day I am completely amazed how God brought us together. For 34 years I have never found a finer PEARL. Most of the blessings I have received from God are through Stephanie. All the greatest parts of my life are through her. My daughters, my grandkids, and the sheer joy of living are because of her.

Don't get the wrong idea, I don't worship Stephanie above my Lord. The only reason I have Stephanie is because of him. Jesus has blessed me with Stephanie. I consider it his finest gift after sacrificing himself on a cross for me. I owe Stephanie a lot more than just a necklace for the gift of her love and friendship. I could never begin to repay her for the joy I have because of her. Just like I have no way of repaying Jesus for his love and grace. He doesn't even expect repayment. But, just like Stephanie, when I do take the time to show him he is number one in my life, a tear comes to his eye.

Let God Know you love him. Let him know how crazy you are about him. Praise him for his mercy and the boundless blessings he gives. Praise him and worship him for the ultimate sacrifice he made for you and me! If you truly love him you will constantly look to show it. Show him by loving others, serving, and spending time with him. It will mean more than you could imagine.

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