Tuesday, January 15, 2013


For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12:50 NIV)

There is nothing more important than my family. Why is that true? Is it just because we have spent so much time together? Is it because of our common upbringing and our environment? Is it genetic? I'm sure all these factors contribute to why we love our family. I think the real reason is our common faith. Yes, some families don't have any faith at all. Some families are split in their beliefs. The families I know that have no common faith, are weak and dysfunctional. A family that shares a common faith is unshakeable. I am so lucky to have a family that puts their faith inChrist as their number one priority. They have grown spiritually, personally, and they have made it a priority for their spouses and kids. My family is a perfect example how you can endure anything if you all share Christ. We pray for each other. We worship with each other. We share a bond that goes beyond blood and familiarity. Our bond can not be broken.

A few years back I bought each of my girls a wood plaque that simply states, Joshua 24:15"As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord." We all need a reminder how important it is to worship as a family. The outright survival of our family depends on our faith in Christ. We can not be divided on this. We can not endure without the cement of Christ to hold us together.

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