Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Forgotten Books of The Bible - Ezra 2


I have been wearing this patch on my back for the past 13 years. I always get a sense of pride when I wear this logo. It identifies me, not just with CMA, but it also identifies me as a follower of Jesus Christ. Wearing this symbol has changed me. When I wear it, I am more aware of my actions and how they represent my faith. 
One of the complaints of non-Christians is that Christians are so hypocritical. They act one way on Sunday and completely different the other six days. Christians are quick to say we are not perfect. Sometimes I think we use that as an excuse. I see many of my Christian friends on social media feed the theory of hypocrisy in our faith. We should be different!

As I was reading Ezra 2 today, I was struck by verses 59 and 62:

'They searched for their names in the genealogical
records, but they were not found, so they were
disqualified from serving as priests. Another group
returned at this time from the towns of Tel-melah,
Tel-harsha, Kerub, Addan, and Immer. However,
they could not prove that they or their families
were descendants of Israel. ' Ezra 2:59,62.,62

Could you prove you were a Christian?  Do you live your life in a way where people know you belong to Jesus? 

 Even when I am not wearing my CMA colors, I want to make sure my words, my actions, and my thoughts, speak loudly about my faith. We are going to mess up, but we must not take that lightly. We need to make sure our lives are set apart. We must be different than the rest of the world. 

IF people can not see any difference, if there is no joy and peace in our lives, and if there is nothing that points people to Jesus, are we living the life God wants us to live?  Would we be disqualified from serving as a priest? 

Can you prove your life belongs to Jesus?

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