Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Forgotten Books of the Bible - Hosea - 8


"Israel has built many altars to take away sin, but these very altars became places for sinning! Even though I gave them all my laws, they act as if those laws don't apply to them. The People love to offer sacrifices to me, feasting on the meat, but I do not accept their sacrifices. I will hold my people accountable for their sins, and I will punish them. Hosea 8:11-13

These are some pretty harsh words. Could the Lord say the same to us?  As we build bigger and bigger churches how critical are we about our actions? Is this a message for the church today? 

The Lord has placed on my heart reaching out to those that feel rejected by the church, who feel like outcasts, who feel judged and unwelcome. I see these people at "Biker" events, in drug rehab centers, jails, prisons, homeless shelters, bars, and in economically depressed areas of our cities. I also know that many of the perceptions are inaccurate, but at the same time, they are real. Our churches FEEL like places for perfect people and imperfect people are intimidated by that. Our churches are filled with people that share many of the same issues with these rejected people, but on Sunday morning, very few hint at their brokenness. 

I love the church. It is a big part of my life and has been since my appearance on this earth. But, the church needs to do better. The church not only needs to reach out asking people to come, but we also need to GO OUT and meet people where they are. Walking through the doors of a church can be very intimidating for someone that has lived an entire life away from God. 

The meeting place, the ministry that God has led me to, wants to bridge that gap between church and the lost. PLEASE, if you are one of those people who have never had GOD in your life, let me help you discover who God is. 


I am willing to hold face-to-face or online discovery bible studies with YOU. 

I will meet you anywhere, anytime, to help you figure out who God is. Please contact me if you want to explore who God is, outside the church setting, on your own turf. 

Contact me ( if you want to set up a time to meet. If we meet once and you don't want to continue, I am perfectly ok with that. There is no pressure to join a church. I just want to help you figure out who the God of the Bible really is. 

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