Saturday, September 17, 2022

Forgotten Books of the Bible - Ezra - 10 - Hope


'Then Shecaniah son of Jehiel, a descendant
of Elam, said to Ezra, “We have been unfaithful
to our God, for we have married these pagan
women of the land.
But in spite of this there is hope for Israel. '
Ezra 10:2.

There are always consequences of sin, people are hurt, suffering is the result. For years, almost back to when Israel crossed the Jordan River to occupy the promised land, Israel had defied this key law of God. Even King Solomon violated this law. They intermarried with Pagans. In today's politically correct world, this shouldn't be such a big deal. The families in Israel were close. Father and Mother were highly revered. One of the first laws, commanded by God, through Moses, was to honor your Father and Mother. These two people are lifegivers. Honoring them is like honoring God. He is our Father and we honor him by loving him, listening to him, obeying him, and living life with him. We honor our parents in a similar way. If a man marries someone outside the faith, all of life is changed. We have to choose which to follow. 

It is a big deal.

In a marriage between a follower of Christ and a non-follower, the children are put in an impossible situation. They must choose between mother and father. Sin offers us the same choice. Sin makes us choose between God and man. We all know the right choice!

But, in verse two, Ezra pointed out THERE IS HOPE. Our sins cannot permanently separate us from God unless we want them to. God loves us so much that he sent his Son to die for us, that we might have HOPE through him. There is no sin to great. God is there waiting for us to seek his forgiveness. Yes, there will be consequences. The result of sin does not change with our confession and desire for forgiveness. But, if we seek God, and turn from our wicked ways, he promises us hope and a brighter tomorrow. 

Thank You, Lord for hope even when I mess things up by disobeying you!

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