Monday, September 5, 2022

Ten Keys to Life - Rest


This is the last of the posts on my Ten Keys to Life. I am not sure what direction this blog will go. God does!

I miss the OLD DAYS when everything was closed down on Sunday. We will never return to those days. I remember those days filled with church, family dinners around the table, trips to the grandparents, and time spent with family. It was a complete day of rest. I treasure my days of rest. 

Why is it I do not observe my own Sabbath? 

No law is going to help us decide to rest.

If there were a law to keep retail businesses and restaurants closed on Sunday today, we would find many activities to fill our lives. I can't picture people getting a real day of rest. 

In all reality, nothing is keeping you or me from returning to those days. We could keep from going shopping on Sunday. We could cook at home, shut the television off, invite family for dinner, and enjoy a day of rest. We have the choice to establish our own "Blue Law." We could choose a day of complete rest. 

The Sabbath or "day of worship and rest" gets a bad rap. So many Christians misunderstand the New Testament conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees, saying the Sabbath is unimportant. The laws of God are designed for us to live our best lives. The commandment to keep the Sabbath day Holy, to rest just as God rested from creation, is as valid today as it was to Moses and the nation of Israel. God blessed a day of rest and even made it Holy to show its value. 

We need to slow our lives down, step away from social media, turn off the television, cook at home, and invite family to enjoy a day of peace and rest. We need to take a day, at least one, to spend time praising God for his goodness, his grace, and his mercy. A Sabbath day is not some magical event that will make our lives perfect. We can't observe one day of worship and rest living the other six days disregarding God. A Sabbath day is an event that helps us get the most out of life on the other six days with Jesus in the middle of each of those days!

'Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who
are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will
give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me
teach you, because I am humble and gentle at
heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For
my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give
you is light.”' Matthew 11:28-30

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