Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What's important to know?

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace (Ephesians 1:7 NIV)

I'm in the midst of another video bible study called "Why I believe" by Chip Ingram. It is refreshing to go through the key parts of my faith and understand why I believe what I believe. I just finished the 5th of the 12 videos and it confirmed the infalibilty of the Bible as the direct word of God. The ACTUAL proof of the historical acuracy of the Bible is huge. The belief beyond a shadow of doubt of the existence, death, and Ressurection of Jesus is wonderful. I have believed by faith and didn't realize how much evidence there is. 

Is that really important?

Yes, it's important. We need to arm ourselves with all knowledge for sharing the gospel. I can't get enough information about the word of God, how it's affected others, and yes, the historical details. You never know when that information may be used. However, I have found the most important tool for witnessing is the impact of faith on my own life. What is my story? I need to be clear and have as much detail on the value of Jesus Christ in my life. If I can't point to the value of my faith, what good is it at all?

So the "study" we should always be involved in answers one simple question. How has my life been impacted by faith in Jesus? We all need to be searching for that answer, refining it, editing it, and sharing it with everyone who will listen.

Dear Lord Jesus, prepare me for sharing my faith with the lost. Help me to be open to share my own sinfulness. Help me to listen to your guiding in sharing that faith. May I always be prepared to share with all the information necessary including the historical facts, truths of your word, and stories of your impact on the lives of real people. All we want is to bring the lost to you. Amen!

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