Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fantasy Island

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV)

Do you remember the TV show "Fantasy Island"? Tatoo is well know for his line, "De Plane! De Plane!", when the weekly visitors came to live out their fantasies. To have to admit, I watched the show. Looking back, it was a pretty strange show. So many people are caught up in "fantasy". The premise of most popular video games are centered fantasy. We are fascinated by "reality tv" when in fact it's closer to fantasy than reality. Our lives are run like an episode of Fantasy Island. We aren't very realistic about our friendships, jobs, marriages, and even God. We expect our politicians to fix all our woes with the signing of a bill or enactment of some legislation. We expect God to do the same when we pray to him. We really don't understand the heart of our Lord. Case in point:

Stephanie and I prayed before we left on vacation. We prayed for protection, safety, relaxation, and time away from the hustle and bustle of our lives. The first night Stephanie fractured her elbow. We had to come home. I was greatly dissappointed, I still am. So, did God not answer my prayer? My vision, my fantasy, of what vacation would look like didn't happen. God had different plans. He could have been protecting us in ways I'll never understand. The reality is I have turned my life over to Jesus. I have given him full authority to lead me, daily, weekly, monthly, and for the rest of my life. I can't take that back just because God's plan doesn't fit my fantasy. I'm not happy about canceling a vacation in the works for the past 6 months, but I trust the Creator of the universe knows more than I do. His plans are perfect. 

I don't understand God. It's not realistic for me to believe I could fully understand him. My faith does not require me to understand. My faith requires me to trust God and to let him lead me through life. My fantasies have no power over the realities of a savior that loves me and knows what is best for me and my life. Praise God for his love for me, his protection, and his grace are wonderful. Amen!

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