Saturday, August 4, 2012

I feel like I'm the one losin!

Once in a while I run across a song that really touches me. I've shared a few of those on this blog.

I found another one.
Tenth Avenue North "Losin"

Tenth Avenue North has a great song "Losin". Besides the great sound, it has some great lyrics. Do you ever feel like you're losing the battle! I sure do! Sometimes  it's hard to remain positive and full of grace and forgiveness. There is so much hate going on in this world and sometimes I get caught up in it like everyone else. The media attention given to Dan Cathy of Chik Filet is a perfect example. I know what he said is not popular with some people. I don't believe he did it in a hateful way. Yet, he has been targeted as being hateful. Father please forgive them, they don't know what they are doin! Father please give me the grace to forgive them, I feel like I'm the one Losin! The people who were offended by his comments feel like they are losing also. As Christians we have not done a good job loving the sinner. I'm not saying Dan Cathy was wrong, I agree with him and I gree with stating it publicly just like he did. But, we need to go beyond and love these people just the same as God loves us with all our weaknesses and imperfections.

I need to pray for grace to forgive and then I can experience the freedom that God wants me to have.

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